Many researchers have one question in their mind, and that is how to monetize the research paper that they have published. Frankly speaking, once the research paper gets published in conferences or journals, it becomes public property. Any researcher can use the same setup for further investigations unlike patents, where the author or the institution has complete rights over the work.
However, there are certain tricks (which are legal and ethical) one can use and earn money directly or otherwise get incentivised for the work carried out through further support in research or travel grant etc.
A research scholar can make money by publishing a research paper either in conference or journal provided his work is of highest quality. The author can earn money directly or indirectly by taking smart steps . The following steps elaborate the process of making money by research paper.
Here are the list of proven techniques for making money by writing research paper.
1. Prepare a Replica of the Experimental setup / Software Testbed and Sell it

Whenever you conduct research there is a possibility that; you build a hardware system; make a chip design; or write a software tool to run the experiments. There are several researchers who are working on similar projects or want to take your idea forward and may be in need of such testbeds or tools. In such a situation share your research paper on social media and you can ask the readers to contact you in case they are in need of such testbed or hardware. You can charge those researchers for the same as you are saving their time and effort needed to prepare the testbed.
You can visit my article on How to Make Money from Your Research Paper Experimental Equipment? for further details on making descent earning from your research equipments.
2. Sell the Dataset

If you are doing research where you may be creating a data set of your own. For example, you may be working on fruit quality analysis using image processing and you might have created data sets consisting of fruit images of various cultivars and qualities.
In the paper, you can add a statement saying to contact the authors for the datasets. Other researchers can use your data set and may pay you or they can cite your paper in the literature review. Each citation will help you in increasing the h-index and i-10 index.
There are few websites, where you can list your data sets. These sites will pay you as per the demand of the data sets.
You can visit my article on Research Data Sets as a Revenue Stream: How to License Your Way to Success. This article will give you an in-depth insight into effective monetization from the data sets used for your research work.
3. Make your Dataset Available on your Website
If you own a website, then you can create a blog post and explain the dataset that you have created and its applications in various domains. Explain your research paper as a case study, and provide a link to your research paper. Put affiliate links or Google Adsense on that page so that the visitors of the page may make purchases through ads or affiliate links. You will get a commission for every purchase made.

4. Get paid for Invited Article
Many times you may receive mail requesting the invited article on the topic in which you have published the research paper. Such journals will pay you for the articles. They call it an honorarium. The key element here is that this money is paid because the journal specifically wants a paper from you as an author – presumably, because they expect the work to be prestigious or highly cited.
5. Apply for Patents

Everyone who wants to use your concept must pay you if you file it as a patent. However, your organization or the university where you are working may not allow you to take full credit. You may need to negotiate regarding ownership and the profit-sharing model with your university. While applying for patent please verify that your published work is less than one year old or else you can not apply for patent.
You can visit my article on Patent Monetization Made Easy: How to Unlock the Value of Your Intellectual Property. This article will guide you through the monetization opportunities from your research work.
6. Apply for Research Grants for Further Continuation of Work

Good publications make you a stronger candidate when applying for grants. It also helps you in securing a job; if you do not have one. While applying for grant, highlight the work carried out so far along with results. There are several components in research grants which satiate your financial requirements for furthering your research.
Visit my blog post on
Research Grants Uncovered: A Step-by-Step Guide to Funding Your Research Projects
Research Grants for Independent Researchers: A Complete Guide
These above posts will guide you in applying for research grants.
7. Get Institute/University Grants

The institute or the University where you are working will sometime support your work and award cash or support your experimental setup/software expenses and registration fees. Sometimes you may get a travel grant if the paper is published at the conference.
8. Create Youtube content on the Tool Technology Learnt

Youtube is one of the promising media through which one can earn a good amount of money provided the quality of the content is too good.
Just ponder on the following points while creating youtube video:
- Determine your audience: Before you start creating content, think about who you are trying to reach with your research. This will help you tailor your content to be more engaging and relevant to your audience.
- Choose a format: There are many different ways you can present your research on YouTube. Some options might include a traditional talk show format, a documentary style, or a more creative and interactive format. Choose a format that best suits your research and your audience.
- Plan your content: Once you have a format in mind, plan out the content for your videos. This might include an outline of the key points you want to cover, any visual aids or demonstrations you will use, and any other elements that will help make your content more engaging.
- Record and edit your videos: Once you have a plan in place, start recording and editing your videos. Make sure to use clear, concise language and to explain your research in a way that is easy for your audience to understand.
- Promote your content: Once your videos are ready, promote them on social media and other platforms to get them in front of as many people as possible. Consider collaborating with other researchers or influencers to help spread the word about your content.
By following these steps, you can create engaging and informative YouTube content about your research that will help you reach a wider audience and share your findings with others.
9. Travel Grants from Govt/ Funding Agencies
You can apply to government funding agencies such as AICTE/UGC(In India) for travel grants. The travel grant in these organizations is open throughout the year.
Consider the following points while applying for these organizations:
- Understand the eligibility requirements: Before applying, make sure you understand the eligibility requirements for the grant. This may include factors such as your location, citizenship, or area of study.
- Follow the application guidelines: Carefully read the application guidelines and follow them to the letter. Make sure to provide all of the information and documentation that is required, and to submit your application by the deadline.
- Clearly articulate your purpose: In your application, make sure to clearly articulate the purpose of your travel and how it will benefit your research or project. Be specific and provide concrete examples of how the grant will help you to achieve your goals.
- Outline your budget: In your application, provide a detailed budget outlining the costs of your travel, including transportation, accommodation, and any other expenses. Be realistic and justify your budget in your application.
- Review and proofread: Before submitting your application, review it carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and that all of the information is accurate and complete. Consider having someone else review your application as well.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of being selected for a travel grant from a government agency. Good luck with your application.
10. Give a Talk on the Concerned Topic as an Invited Session and Get Paid

You can prepare a detailed presentation on the core area of your work. For example, if your work is the identification and classification of pathological issues related to pomegranates by using image processing then prepare a detailed presentation on ” Image Processing techniques for fruit database”.
Many workshops/ conferences invite or call for sessions related to core domains of your field. They pay an honorarium for the same. Keep track of such workshops and conferences and apply for the same.
Please visit my article on 12 Proven Tips to Make an Effective Research Presentation as an Invited Speaker. This article gives you tips for making effective research presentation.
11. Conduct Online Paid Webinars on the Topic

Many research scholars are searching for resources relating to hardware/ software or any research-related tools for their research. You can organize paid webinars for such students and can easily earn money.
12. Collaborate with the Industry

Collaborating with industry could be another way for earning money. Contact the which are related to the work you have carried out. The industry may help you in setting up the research centre at your institution, attending workshops and seminars etc. Collaborate with the company for transferring technology or add them as co-author for getting sponsorship.
Make sure that the following points are addressed for your letter of collboration:
- Clearly state the research question or problem that you have addressed in your paper, and explain how the collaboration will create a win-win situation.
- Outline your research work, including the methods and techniques that you have used, and explain how the proposed collaboration will enhance or strengthen your research further.
- Discuss any relevant experience or expertise that you or your team have in the field you have written, and how this will contribute to the success of the collaboration.
- Provide details about the support that you need from the collaborating industry, and explain how these will be used to advance the research.
- Be specific about the roles and responsibilities of each party in the collaboration, and outline any expectations or agreements that will need to be made.
Finally, remember to proofread your letter carefully to ensure that it is well-written and free of errors. This will help to convey a professional and competent image and increase the chances of a successful collaboration.
Researchers can earn money through their publications in a number of ways. For example, they may receive funding from grants or other sources to support their research, and the results of their work may be published in academic journals or other outlets that pay for the content they publish.
In some cases, researchers may also be able to earn royalties if their work is used or cited by other researchers or incorporated into commercial products or services. Additionally, researchers may be able to earn money by giving talks or presentations at conferences or other events, or by consulting for organizations that are interested in their expertise.
However, it is important to note that earning money through research publication is not always guaranteed, and many researchers may not earn significant amounts of money from their work.