04 Reasons for Outsourcing Academic Conference Management

outsourcing academic conference

In the fast-paced world of academic research, conferences serve as invaluable platforms for scholars to present their findings, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations. However, organizing a successful conference is no small feat, requiring meticulous planning, coordination, and financial resources. Many academic institutions face significant challenges in managing the complexities of conference organization while ensuring maximum impact and accessibility for attendees.

In this blog post, we explore the concept of outsourcing conference organization as a strategic solution for host institutions seeking to maximize the benefits of academic conferences.

From financial considerations to enhancing academic impact and facilitating journal publications, outsourcing offers a range of advantages that can streamline the conference management process and elevate the overall quality and visibility of research endeavors.

Join us as we delve into the various benefits of outsourcing conference organization and discover how this approach can empower host institutions to create impactful and memorable conference experiences for scholars worldwide.


A. Importance of Academic Conferences in Disseminating Research Findings:

Academic conferences play a pivotal role in the dissemination of research findings within the scholarly community. They provide researchers with a platform to present their latest discoveries, share insights, and engage in discussions with peers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Conferences facilitate knowledge exchange, foster collaboration, and inspire new avenues of inquiry. By showcasing cutting-edge research and facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue, conferences contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation across various fields.

B. Challenges Faced by Host Institutions in Organizing Conferences:

Organizing a successful conference presents numerous challenges for host institutions, including logistical, financial, administrative, and technological hurdles. Securing suitable venues, coordinating travel and accommodation arrangements, managing registration processes, and ensuring adequate technical support are just a few of the logistical challenges involved. Moreover, hosting a conference often requires substantial financial investment, including venue rental fees, catering expenses, marketing costs, and staff salaries.

Additionally, procuring and managing conference management toolkits can be costly and time-consuming. These toolkits encompass a range of software solutions and technological platforms designed to streamline various aspects of conference organization, such as abstract submission, peer review management, attendee registration, and session scheduling. However, investing in and deploying these toolkits entails significant upfront expenses, including licensing fees, customization costs, and ongoing maintenance fees. Furthermore, navigating the complexities of these platforms requires a steep learning curve, as staff members must familiarize themselves with the functionalities and interfaces of the software.

II. Financial Benefits of Outsourcing

A. Cost-effective Solutions for Host Institutions:

Outsourcing conference organization can provide cost-effective solutions for host institutions by reducing overhead expenses and optimizing resource utilization. Professional conference organizers often have established relationships with vendors, suppliers, and service providers, allowing them to negotiate favorable terms and secure discounts on essential goods and services. By leveraging economies of scale and streamlining procurement processes, outsourced organizers can minimize costs associated with venue rental, catering, audiovisual equipment, marketing materials, and staffing. Additionally, outsourcing eliminates the need for host institutions to invest in specialized conference management software, infrastructure, and personnel training, further reducing operational expenses.

Example: A university’s department of engineering decides to host an international conference on renewable energy. Instead of managing conference logistics internally, they opt to outsource conference organization to a professional event management company specializing in sustainable technology events. By partnering with the external agency, the department benefits from cost-effective solutions, including discounted venue rates negotiated by the organizers, bulk purchasing of catering services, and shared marketing expenses with other events managed by the agency. As a result, the department can host the conference within budgetary constraints while delivering a high-quality experience for attendees.

B. Revenue Generation Through Sponsorship, Exhibition Fees, and Registration Charges:

Outsourcing conference organization offers opportunities for revenue generation through various channels, including sponsorship, exhibition fees, and registration charges. Professional conference organizers have extensive networks and industry connections, enabling them to solicit sponsorship from companies, organizations, and institutions interested in reaching the conference audience. Sponsors may contribute funds in exchange for promotional opportunities, such as logo placement, exhibit space, speaking slots, or branded merchandise. Additionally, exhibitors and vendors pay fees to showcase their products or services at the conference, further contributing to revenue generation. Moreover, organizers can implement registration charges for attendees, covering costs while ensuring the event remains accessible and affordable.

Example: A scientific association collaborates with an external conference management company to organize its annual research symposium. The organizers secure sponsorship from industry partners, including technology companies and pharmaceutical firms, who are eager to showcase their latest innovations to the association’s members. Furthermore, exhibitors pay fees to set up booths and interact with attendees during networking sessions. Attendees are required to pay a registration fee to cover conference expenses, including venue rental, catering, and speaker honorariums. Through these revenue streams, the association and its external partners generate significant income while delivering a valuable educational experience for participants.

C. Financial Independence and Risk Mitigation:

Outsourcing conference organization provides host institutions with financial independence and risk mitigation by offloading the burden of financial responsibility and liability to external experts. Professional conference organizers assume accountability for budget management, expense forecasting, and financial reporting, ensuring transparency and compliance with fiscal regulations. Moreover, outsourcing reduces the financial risks associated with event planning, such as budget overruns, unforeseen expenses, and revenue shortfalls. By partnering with experienced organizers, host institutions can mitigate financial uncertainties and focus on core academic activities without being encumbered by the financial complexities of conference management.

Example: A nonprofit research institute partners with a specialized conference management firm to organize its annual scientific conference. The organizers assume responsibility for budget development, tracking expenditures, and managing cash flows throughout the planning process. In the event of unexpected expenses or revenue shortfalls, the external agency employs contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies to ensure the conference’s financial stability. By entrusting conference organization to experienced professionals, the research institute safeguards its financial resources and maintains operational efficiency, thereby achieving its mission of advancing scientific knowledge and innovation.

III. Access to Expertise and Resources

A. Leveraging the Expertise of Professional Conference Organizers:

Professional conference organizers bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, acquired through years of planning and executing successful events across various industries and disciplines. They possess in-depth knowledge of best practices, industry standards, and emerging trends in conference organization, enabling them to deliver high-quality, impactful events. By leveraging the expertise of professional organizers, host institutions can benefit from strategic guidance, innovative solutions, and proven methodologies that optimize every aspect of conference planning and execution.

Example: A medical research institute collaborates with a renowned conference management company to organize its annual scientific symposium on cancer research. The organizers, backed by a team of experienced event planners and industry experts, offer strategic advice on conference theme development, program design, and participant engagement strategies. They leverage their expertise to anticipate potential challenges, mitigate risks, and implement innovative solutions that enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of the event. Through their collaborative partnership, the research institute achieves its objective of advancing knowledge in the field of oncology and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, clinicians, and industry stakeholders.

B. Access to Established Networks and Partnerships:

Professional conference organizers have established extensive networks and partnerships within the academic, corporate, and nonprofit sectors, enabling them to access a wide range of resources, services, and opportunities. These networks include industry associations, academic institutions, government agencies, media outlets, and technology providers, among others. By tapping into these networks, organizers can facilitate collaboration, secure sponsorships, negotiate partnerships, and access specialized expertise and support that enhance the overall success of the conference.

Example: A technology company collaborates with an external conference management firm to organize its annual industry conference on artificial intelligence (AI). The organizers leverage their extensive network of contacts within the AI community to secure high-profile keynote speakers, attract leading researchers and practitioners, and facilitate strategic partnerships with academic institutions and research organizations. They also tap into their relationships with technology vendors, media partners, and event sponsors to enhance the conference experience and maximize its impact within the industry. Through their access to established networks and partnerships, the technology company and its external partners create a dynamic platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and innovation in the field of AI.

C. Efficient Budget Management and Resource Optimization:

Professional conference organizers excel at efficient budget management and resource optimization, leveraging their expertise and experience to maximize the value of every dollar spent. They develop comprehensive budgets that align with the strategic objectives and financial constraints of the host institution, prioritizing investments that deliver the greatest impact and return on investment. Through meticulous planning, cost analysis, and negotiation, organizers identify cost-saving opportunities, minimize unnecessary expenditures, and optimize resource allocation to ensure that the conference achieves its goals within budgetary constraints.

Example: An academic association partners with a specialized conference management company to organize its annual research conference on environmental sustainability. The organizers conduct a thorough analysis of conference expenses, including venue rental, catering, marketing, and speaker fees, to develop a realistic budget that aligns with the association’s financial resources and revenue projections. They leverage their industry expertise to negotiate favorable terms with vendors, secure discounts on services, and identify cost-effective solutions that reduce overall expenses without compromising the quality or impact of the event. Through their efficient budget management and resource optimization strategies, the association and its external partners ensure the successful execution of the conference while maximizing the value of every dollar invested.

IV. Ensuring Success and Safety

A. Securing Insurance coverage and Managing risk:

Professional conference organizers play a crucial role in securing insurance coverage and managing risk to safeguard the interests of the host institution and participants. They have extensive experience in assessing potential risks associated with conference organization, such as venue-related liabilities, travel disruptions, medical emergencies, and unforeseen events. Organizers work closely with insurance providers to tailor insurance policies that provide comprehensive coverage for conference-related risks, including general liability, property damage, cancellation, and medical emergencies. By proactively managing risk and ensuring adequate insurance coverage, organizers mitigate potential financial losses and protect the reputation and integrity of the conference.

Example: A scientific association collaborates with an external conference management company to organize its annual research conference on climate change. The organizers conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential hazards and liabilities associated with conference planning and execution, such as venue safety, travel disruptions, and weather-related emergencies. They work with an insurance broker to procure insurance policies that cover a wide range of risks, including property damage, liability claims, and event cancellation. By securing comprehensive insurance coverage, the association and its external partners minimize financial exposure and provide participants with peace of mind, ensuring a successful and safe conference experience.

B. Attracting Renowned Speakers and International Participation:

Professional conference organizers leverage their industry expertise and extensive networks to attract renowned speakers and promote international participation, enhancing the academic impact and visibility of the conference. They cultivate relationships with leading researchers, scholars, practitioners, and thought leaders in the field, inviting them to participate as keynote speakers, panelists, workshop facilitators, or session chairs. Additionally, organizers employ targeted marketing and promotional strategies to reach a global audience, leveraging digital channels, social media platforms, and academic networks to disseminate conference information and attract participants from diverse geographic regions.

Example: A medical research institute partners with a specialized conference management firm to organize its annual symposium on infectious diseases. The organizers leverage their relationships with prominent researchers, clinicians, and policymakers in the field to secure high-profile keynote speakers and panelists from around the world. They use targeted marketing campaigns to promote the conference to international audiences, highlighting the participation of renowned experts and the opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Through their efforts to attract renowned speakers and international participation, the research institute and its external partners create a dynamic platform for scientific discourse, innovation, and networking in the field of infectious diseases.

C. Streamlining Logistics and Travel Arrangements:

Professional conference organizers streamline logistics and travel arrangements to optimize the conference experience for participants and enhance academic impact. They leverage their industry expertise and technological resources to manage complex logistical tasks, such as venue selection, room allocations, catering, audiovisual equipment, and transportation services. Additionally, organizers offer comprehensive travel and accommodation management solutions, assisting participants with visa applications, flight bookings, hotel reservations, ground transportation, and local sightseeing activities. By providing end-to-end support and seamless coordination of logistics, organizers ensure that participants can focus on the academic content and networking opportunities offered by the conference, maximizing their overall experience and satisfaction.

Example: An international association partners with a specialized conference management company to organize its annual congress on neuroscience. The organizers utilize advanced event management software and online registration platforms to streamline conference logistics, including session scheduling, room assignments, and attendee registration. They collaborate with travel agencies and hotel partners to negotiate discounted rates for conference participants, facilitating seamless travel and accommodation arrangements. Additionally, organizers coordinate shuttle services, local tours, and networking events to enhance the conference experience and promote collaboration among attendees. Through their efforts to streamline logistics and travel arrangements, the association and its external partners create a memorable and productive conference environment that fosters academic exchange and collaboration in the field of neuroscience.

V. Facilitating Journal Publications

A. Partnerships with Quality Journals and Expedited Review Processes:

Professional conference organizers facilitate journal publications by establishing partnerships with reputable academic journals and expediting the review process for conference papers. They leverage their industry connections and expertise to identify journals that align with the conference theme and publication preferences of authors. Through strategic collaborations, organizers negotiate agreements with journal editors to fast-track the review and publication of conference papers, ensuring timely dissemination of research findings. Additionally, organizers may offer submission guidelines, templates, and resources to help authors prepare their manuscripts for journal submission, enhancing the likelihood of acceptance and publication.

Go through my article on “08 Reliable Steps to find Good Journals for your Research Paper Publication” for understanding the quality journals.

Example: A scientific association partners with a specialized conference management company to organize its annual research conference on biotechnology. The organizers collaborate with several leading journals in the field, including “Journal of Biotechnology” and “Biotechnology Advances,” to establish partnerships that offer expedited review processes for conference papers. Authors presenting at the conference are invited to submit their manuscripts to these journals, benefiting from accelerated peer review timelines and enhanced visibility within the scientific community. Through their partnerships with quality journals and expedited review processes, the association and its external partners facilitate the publication of conference papers in prestigious academic outlets, maximizing the impact and reach of the research presented at the conference.

B. Discounts for Open Access Publications and Support for Authors:

Professional conference organizers facilitate journal publications by offering discounts for open access publications and providing support for authors seeking to publish their research in accessible formats. They collaborate with open access journals and publishing platforms to negotiate discounted publication fees for conference-presented papers, making it more affordable for authors to disseminate their work to a wider audience. Additionally, organizers may offer guidance and resources to authors on selecting suitable open access journals, navigating publication processes, and complying with open access mandates and policies, ensuring that research findings are accessible to the broader scientific community.

Visit my article on “Open Access Journals: What do you Need to Know as a Researcher?” for further details on open access journals.

Example: A technology consortium partners with a specialized conference management firm to organize its annual conference on cybersecurity. The organizers collaborate with open access journals, such as “Frontiers in Cybersecurity” and “Journal of Open Access Cybersecurity Research,” to offer discounted publication fees for conference-presented papers. Authors are encouraged to publish their research in open access formats, leveraging the discounted rates provided by the conference organizers. Furthermore, organizers offer support and guidance to authors throughout the publication process, assisting with manuscript preparation, submission, and compliance with open access policies. Through their efforts to promote open access publications and support authors, the consortium and its external partners facilitate the dissemination of cybersecurity research to a global audience, advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.

C. Guidance in Extending Conference Papers into Journal Publications:

Professional conference organizers provide guidance and support to authors seeking to extend their conference papers into journal publications. They offer resources, workshops, and mentorship programs to assist authors in navigating the journal submission and publication process effectively. Organizers may provide templates, formatting guidelines, and submission instructions tailored to the requirements of target journals, helping authors prepare their manuscripts for publication. Additionally, organizers may facilitate peer review coordination, editorial assistance, and plagiarism checks to enhance the quality and readiness of conference papers for journal submission, increasing the likelihood of acceptance and publication.

Visit my article on “How to convert a Conference Paper to an Extended Paper for a Journal” for more details on converting your conference article to journal article.

Example: A research consortium partners with a specialized conference management company to organize its annual symposium on climate change adaptation. The organizers offer a series of workshops and webinars for conference attendees, focusing on strategies for extending conference papers into journal publications. Authors are provided with resources, such as manuscript templates, author guidelines, and submission checklists, to facilitate the preparation and submission of their papers to academic journals. Furthermore, organizers offer personalized guidance and support to authors, assisting with peer review coordination, revisions, and responses to reviewer comments. Through their efforts to guide authors in extending conference papers into journal publications, the consortium and its external partners promote the dissemination of climate change research and facilitate its integration into the scholarly literature.

Top Academic Conference Organizers

1Academics Conference Network (ACN)https://www.academicsconference.com/
2Acavent (which stands for Academic and Event)https://www.acavent.com/
4Acadlore https://www.acadlore.com/services/publication/for_conference_organizers
5Science Publishing Group (SciencePG)https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/information/for-conference-organizers
6 Global Conference Alliance Inchttps://globalconference.ca/how-to-organize-an-academic-conference/
7BioLEAGUES https://www.bioleagues.com/academics-institutional-partnership.php
Top Academic Conference Organizers


Outsourcing conference organization offers a myriad of benefits for host institutions seeking to maximize the impact and success of academic conferences. From cost-effective solutions and revenue generation to access to expertise, resources, and facilitation of journal publications, outsourcing provides a strategic approach to conference management that optimizes efficiency, quality, and academic impact.

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Dr. Vijay Rajpurohit
Author: Dr. Vijay Rajpurohit
Dr. Vijay Rajpurohit is a researcher in Computer Science. He loves to educate researchers and research scholars on Research Paper Writing, Thesis Writing, Research Grants, Patenting Research Work and the latest Research-related issues. You can reach him @ [email protected]